March Support Group Update
Jackie Farrell Support Groups Coordinator provides a monthly update.
Saturday 19th March - Salisbury Shakers
Contact: Sheelagh Wurr
Wednesday 16th March, South Square, Worthing, 11am-2pm (weather permitting)
There will be a National Tremor Foundation Information table in Worthing. This is an opportunity if you are in the area to pick up NTF tremor literature and chat with Jackie Farrell, NTF Support group coordinator. The Worthing Mayor and Mayoress and Town Crier will be attending at 11.45am. Please contact Jackie for more information
Saturday 26th March 11am-4pm Asda Sutton (entrance), South London.
There will be a National Tremor Foundation Information table in Sutton. This is an opportunity if you are in the area to pick up NTF tremor literature and chat with Jackie Farrell, NTF Support group coordinator. Please contact Jackie for more information
You are most welcome to attend any meetups whether you live in the area or not. This is a great way to meet with others, share tips, stories and have fun.
We kindly ask you contact the relevant leader for confirmation of the meetup and for numbers. Plus, should there be any change you can be contacted.
If there is not an active support group in your area, then perhaps consider checking out the monthly online groups which can be found on the NTF website under “Get involved” heading. These meetups via Zoom attract people from around the UK and Ireland
Jackie Farrell
NTF Support Groups Coordinator