"Why I Value The National Tremor Foundation" is a poem written by Support Group attendee David Murdoch about his experiences of the NTF's support groups.

Face-to-face meetups are the best, coming together in a room

But failing that the next best thing is joining together on Zoom

Where else could we meet and greet people from different lands?

Who talk openly about tremor affecting their head, legs, and hands

The NTF Saturday mornings are a lifeline, a boon to me last year

It’s amazing how many tips and strategies of which I got to hear

From neurological physiotherapy exercises to Nordic walking poles

And listening to Professor Findley speak about the professional roles

Developments in research studies and news on focused ultrasound

Lord Julian Fellowes telling us his journey with his tremors background

From fundraising marathon runners to the journeys of a teddy bear

Not forgetting Rob Mallard and his experiences, everything’s been there

So my grateful thanks to Duncan, Jeff, and Jackie Farrell too

As I look forward to this brand new year of twenty twenty-two

The next plans on the horizon, I’ll wait as they come through

For I know I’m not here on my own, because my friends I’ve you!

-David Murdoch

Do you have a poem you would like to share? If so please email duncan.crossland@tremor.org.uk

Further reading