#ActionOnET is the leading UK campaign for Focused Ultrasound on the NHS for the treatment of essential tremor and continues to see success, with the campaign going to Scotland and improvements in access to Focussed Ultrasound in England.

Campaign for MRgFUS Goes To The Scottish Parliament - The campaign to ensure that patients in Scotland have the same access as people in England continues, with the Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament discussing the issue on 10 February 2021. The Committee includes MSPs from across the political parties in Scotland and an update will be provided on the NTF website after the event. 

Improving Access to MRgFUS in England – Following the decision by NHS England to provide MRgFUS in England from April, they are also exploring options to improve geographical access to the procedure. The next part of the campaign will be to persuade MPs to support wider access across the country - resources and advice to support NTF campaigners to do so will be available on the website in the near future.

]Further information will be provided on the #ActionForET section of the NTF website, along with the latest news and any further developments in the campaign.