Salisbury support group organiser Sheelagh Wurr reflects on the Salisbury Shakers August meet-up.

Ten Salisbury Shakers met for coffee and a chat on Saturday 4th August.  Cakes were exceptionally good today!

Janet and Steve told us about their visit to Oxford for Steve to take part in some research entitled, ‘Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the treatment of Tremor’.  It sounded interesting.  However, it seems that the age limit for participation is 18 – 76 which excludes a few of our members.  (No, we are not under 18!)

We made the decision to purchase sunflower lanyards for all of us, and we will use the National Tremor ‘Alert’ card in it.  The original plan was to edit the card for our group, including a QR code, but we have not been allowed to do this.  Andrew is going to source these lanyards for us.  We have some money that we were given a few months ago, which will help to fund them.

There has been no further news about the Neurologist who offered to come and talk to us.  Sheelagh will follow it up. Several members had listened to the Radio 4 programme, The Tremor, and this had proved interesting, although it concentrated on ‘performance tremor’ experienced by surgeons and musicians.  It was not directly related to Essential Tremor; however, some ideas which came out provoked discussion, such as recommended psychiatric help to cope with stress which exacerbates the shakes.

The next meeting will be on 14th September, subject to confirmation from the administrator.


Further reading