The National Tremor Foundation Platinum Pledge
Raise awareness and support people who live with neurological tremor with The Platinum Pledge!
The pledge is a way that people within the essential tremor and orthostatic tremor community can celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. You can also use this opportunity to dedicate some time and energy into your own well being.
So join us, make a pledge, set yourself a challenge and share it using the Twitter hashtag #NTFPledge!
Why take a pledge?
The Platinum Pledge is aimed primarily around raising awareness of essential tremor and orthostatic tremor and supporting people who live with this neurological condition.
Why raise awareness of neurological tremor?
- Essential tremor is considered as one of the most common neurological movement disorders.
- Essential tremor affects over one million people in the UK, 10-million in the USA and millions more worldwide.
- Essential tremor is a progressive neurological disorder. At least 5% of all cases of essential tremor are in childhood.
- It is estimated that 60% of all cases are inherited.
- Essential tremor is often confused with Parkinson’s. Essential tremor is estimated to be 8–10 times more common than Parkinson’s.
How it works
1. Register your Pledge
Register your Pledge for the latest updates and news.
2. Commit to your pledge
Think running and walking challenges. Why not bake some celebratory cakes? Or if you're creative get your paint out and paint!
3. Have fun and share it!
Share stories and pictures with friends and family using the hashtag #NTFPledge to raise awareness of neurological tremor.
4. Fundraise
Why not start a collection for the NTF using GoFundMe?
Need an idea?
Here are some examples of pledge ideas and pledges that people are already engaged within are;-
Get moving and get outdoors!
Some are running, some walking, some just visiting. Perhaps set a target of 70 laps!
We also have people pledging to swim 70 laps of their swimming pool!
Or are arts and crafts your thing?
You could challenge yourself to get the crafting materials out and create some home crafts, even display them or engage with local craft groups.
Shake, bake and make a cake!
Why not join others and pledge to engage in home baking? These buns / cakes could be shared with family and friends, perhaps at a planned afternoon tea event or shared with colleagues at work of social groups where you are able to raise awareness of ET.
Go green!
Organise a litter pick and also people engaging in mindfulness activities.
Follow the campaign
Follow the latest on twitter #NTFPledge!
Have any questions?
If you have any questions please contact us on
Register for the Platinium Pledge for news and updates.