Jackie Farrell  Support Groups and “The Journey” Coordinator gives an update on NTF Support Groups. 

Due to Covid 19 restrictions, the past 8 months tremor support groups have been online. This has given us the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people from far and wide where perhaps there are no groups in their area. The sessions have been valuable for people to share tips, stories and experiences and most of all know they are not alone living with a tremor

There have also been many highlights at our online groups including welcoming NTF Honorary President Lord Julian Fellowes and also Coronation Street actor Rob Mallard to share their tremor experiences. (More about this year’s events will be featured in the next newsletter)

We appreciate the Christmas holiday period for some may be a lonely time, so we are inviting people to join together virtually during the festive holiday and get active. This can also include taking up a hobby. Perhaps consider reading a book or reviewing a film while cosying up at home?  We would love to hear your news and encourage you to share your photos on twitter #ntfchallenges. Not on Twitter? No problem, send us your photos and we’ll share them for you. It is recommended to check the website regularly for more information how to get involved.

We miss meeting up in person at face to face support groups, but hope it won’t be long before they can take place once again.

In the meantime take care,

Jackie Farrell
NTF Support Groups Coordinator