Salisbury support group organiser Sheelagh Wurr reflects on the Salisbury Shakers March meet-up.

The meeting of the Salisbury Shakers was well attended.  In fact it was so well attended that there was no room for us all to have coffee together before we retired to our ‘little room’ to talk.

We were delighted to meet two new members, Anne Marie, who had had to leave her home in Basingstoke at 6.30am in order to reach us by bus, as the trains were not running, and Jillian who came all the way from Verwood with her husband.  Both shared their shaky stories with us.

We watched a video of the SpillNot, a wonderful gadget for carrying full cups.  I promised to  send the link for this product.  However, there are several listed on Amazon and the easiest way would be to search there.  If anyone would like help with this, let me know.

Mary told us about the international Webinar which happened last week.  We are hoping that it will be possible to watch a recording of this later on as Mary said that it was very good..

The Answer is Mushy Peas book is being updated and reissued and members came with several suggestions of helpful gadgets to be included.  Helen brought her combination brush and hairdryer to show us and others added some useful tips.  This led to a more general discussion on managing our tremors and also the varying responses people have received from their GPs and other health professionals.

It was a lively and interesting meeting.

We will meet again on April 15th.  Because the coffee tables are now so busy and fill up so quickly, I suggest that we find our own coffee either in St Thomas’s or nearby, and then meet in the St Michael’s room at about 10.45am.  I will be in St Thomas’s by 10.30 and look out for people, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to reserve a table for the group – and one table is not usually large enough.  I hope everyone is happy with that.


Further reading