Salisbury Shakers September meet-up
Salisbury support group organiser Sheelagh Wurr reflects on the Salisbury Shakers September meet-up.
Seven shaky members met in St Thomas’s Church on Saturday morning. Warm cheese scones were eaten and we then retired to the St Michael’s room to continue our discussions.
As it often does, conversation turned to how we manage everyday activities. We began with cooking which included tips on How to Decorate your Kitchen with Icing Sugar, and whether it would be a good idea to ask the BBC to put on a ‘Bake-off With a Tremor’ series.
From there, the conversation turned to how difficult it would be to murder somebody if you had a shaky hand. Various methods were discussed. Shooting and stabbing were rejected for obvious reasons. Some favoured poisoning but there was the risk of spilling the poison in the wrong place. Pushing the victim over a cliff would be possible but there was the risk of losing balance and following the victim. We concluded that, like sieving icing sugar, murder was probably best avoided.
We talked about the upcoming awareness day in London on October 7th which sounds very interesting, and also a proposed day event in Bristol in October, date to be confirmed.
Our own next meeting will be on Saturday, October 14th, venue to be confirmed as soon as I know.