Jackie Farrell who leads the Sutton Shakers reflects on their January meetup

On Friday 20th January the Sutton Shakers held their first meeting of the year with 15 of the group attending. 

We met at Bar+Block, St Nicholas Way, Sutton for a lunchtime meetup. This proved a very popular venue with our group, which included three new people, As we also welcome people from outside the borough a few had travelled long distances for the meetup.

Most of us took the opportunity to have lunch while others had popped in for a drink, either way it was a great way to meet socially. 

During lunch we shared experiences of living with tremors. Also discussed was March Essential Tremor Awareness Month 2023 with suggestions of how to raise awareness of Essential Tremor and the benefits of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard. 

We all appreciated the staff at Bar+Block for looking after us really well and making us all feel welcome.

For more details about Sutton Shakers contact Jackie Farrell This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jackie Farrell

NTF Support Groups Coordinator
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Further reading