Support group organiser Sheelagh Wurr reflects on the Salisbury Shakers July meet-up. 

Seven members of the Salisbury Shakers met today for lunch in Fisherton Warehouse café. It was an interesting and informative meeting. We were delighted to welcome back Val and David Evans whom we had not seen since before lockdown, as they had been shielding. Caroline and Julie returned after missing a few meetings, too, and it was great to see them.

Ruth brought along a ‘stabilizing cutlery set’ which works in a similar way to the hand steady mug in that it shakes, but the shake works with the shakes of the user and stabilizes it. The cutlery has to be charged in its carrying case and switched on. Unfortunately, Ruth does not find that it suits her and is hoping to find a good home for it. We all tried it and we think perhaps it might suit Mary who was unable to be there today as she has Covid.

Caroline told us all about a scheme called Neuro Creatives in which she has been taking part. She found out about it from the NTF website and recommended it. It is run by the Brain and Spine Foundation and benefits people affected by neurological conditions by enabling them to unlock their creativity and produce something beautiful. This is a link to the zoom sessions but if you would like to find out more, please let me know and I will put you in touch with Caroline direct to explain further.

We had a discussion about the future of the group to try to work out how we can organise meetings to best meet people’s needs. Not everyone was present but the group made two decisions. First, we would like to accept Val Gardner’s kind offer to show us all her bees. This is provisionally booked for the afternoon of 3rd September but I will send confirmation and more details when I have spoken to Val later this week.

Secondly, everyone decided it would be fun to go to the pantomime in the Salisbury Playhouse. Since we have one wheelchair user, we should be able to book a box where we can all be together. A provisional date of Saturday 7th January at 2.15 was set. I went to the Playhouse to try and book but found that it was closed ‘due to unexpected circumstances’. I will try again next week and let you know.

So, our next meeting will take place on September 3rd. The exact time and place will be sent around when we have firmed it up.


Further reading