Tracey shares her story about how tremor has affected her.

I was formally diagnosed in 2009 at the age of 45 but have had the shakes as long as I can remember; way back into childhood. It seems to be part of me and who I am. Tremor runs through my family and as my dad has mild tremor, and apparently my great grandmother had a head tremor.

In 2014 I was put on beta blockers but they lasted only three days as I am asthmatic and the drugs affected my breathing. I felt like it was better to shake and breathe!  I am reluctant to try other drugs, so I prefer to cope with the shakes as long as I can.

I see myself as bring quite fortunate as my tremor is more noticeable on my left side which is my less dominant side; that said it is becoming more pronounced on the right side as I get older.  The tremor is mainly in my arms and hands but does affect me all over, including my legs and torso.

Over the years, I have ways to hide the tremor. When I explain what it is and then show people my shaking they think I'm exaggerating. Something which I'm sure other suffers can relate to. When I look back I think many of my actions in hiding and controlling the tremor were done subconsciously but in recent years, as the tremor has strengthened, they've become more conscious actions.

One of my interests is running, but as I get older, I must admit am getting less fit, and I notice myself shaking more as I run especially if I run hard. My arms and legs feel like jelly and I spend time after the run trying to calm down.

This autumn I am planning a trip to India with friends to take part in the Himalayan 100 mile stage race. I need to get fitter and stronger to do the event but am also interested to see how I cope with the five day stage trek.