The Journey 2020
"The Journey" of a thousand miles has now been completed!
Thank you to everyone that participated in The Journey 2020!
Congratulations to participants whose mileage totalled 3,219 miles and raised almost £3,000.
Read The Journey 2020 hightlights.
We look forward to you joining us on The Journey in 2021.
What is The Journey?
What happens on The Journey?
Who is it for?
Why take part?
What is Essential Tremor (ET)?
How it works
1. Register for The Journey
2. Start your virtual journey and submit your weekly total miles by Friday each week
3. Share stories and pictures with friends and family using the hashtage #NTFTheJourney
View the virtual journey (Route 1: The Journey of 1000 miles)
View the virtual journey (Route 2: The Journey continues!)
View the virtual journey (Route 3: The Journey: The final step!)
Have you logged your weekly miles?
Have you registered yet to take part in The Journey?
View participant weekly miles
Any questions?
If you have any questions then please email