
Zoom help

Zoom is our platform for holding virtual events. Make sure you watch our introduction video before attending and familiarise yourself with the platform before attending. Below are some useful resources.

NTF Zoom Introduction video

Tablets and mobile phones

If you are using a tablet or mobile phone before the meet-up you may need to download an app which can be found here:


If using a computer or laptop please ensure you have a microphone installed or you have one plugged in and it is working before the meet-up.

Zoom User guide, video tutorials and online training sessions

Please read the  NTF Zoom User Guide or watch a Zoom video tutorial.

If you are new to Zoom and for  more in-depth training Zoom experts host free and interactive live training webinars daily! Attend a live training session.

Additionally if you have a specific problem or question about how a feature works, check out the Zoom support knowledge-base.

Got any questions?

If you have any questions feel free to contact us on 

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